So, as some of you know, plants interest me. And my newest interest is the peony.

I like the tree peonies, but have never cared for the herbaceous peonies. I can hear the screams from all that do. I think the large doubles are really over-blown, and the plants to me seem messy.
Last year, late in the year, I visited a local nursery, and there was a peony on one of the benches. It was a single, and an amazing, glowing cherry with white. I lost my heart to it.

It was in a large pot, which was missing half the dirt.
It was unmarked, and no one knew what the variety it was.
It needed a home… I gave it one.
I took it home, planted it, and as it was so late in the season,
checked it for heaving, adding more dirt if needed.
This spring it bloomed!
And talk about a surprise!!
It started deep red, with some brick undertones.
As it changed to glowing cherry.
Backlit, the flowers literally glowed.
Every day were new color changes.
As it matured it turned to a pale pink with deeper lilac tones at the base.
Below shows the difference between the early bud,
and the flower before it dropped it’s petals.
I have to admit,
this has changed the way I think about peonies!
In Maine, in June, peonies seem to be everywhere.
And while there are some singles,
the majority I have seen are doubles.
I still prefer the simple loveliness of the single peony.
The spent petals have their own beauty.
I have tried looking for this plant in online nurseries, to find the name of it.
But, with all the color changes the flowers on this go through,
it seems impossible to categorize.
I would love a whole group of this variety,
and look forward to being able to divide it in a few years.
