Today is April 26, 2016, and it is snowing… the ground is white. And, while not exactly welcome, it is hardly a surprise. In Maine, spring is a stop and go process, as the the air, ocean, rivers, lakes, and earth warm.

Spot and I walk over in the meadows nearly daily. The meadows are an ever-changing display of plant life, the sky is filled with amazing cloud formations, and the river, a constant in the scenery, changes with tides and seasons.
In mid-April the thatch is heavy, with grass just beginning to green up.
Around the old stone steps the ground has been warmed,
and the grass is thick and lush…
The lone dandelion says “SPRING”!
The lilac trees are the first to bud.
Old rose hips have held on through the winter.

Walking out toward the far meadow,
the moon was rising …
Spot runs along the path that runs along the river.
Spots fur picks up everything!
The far meadow stretches out under a blue spring sky.
At the edge of the woods, old leaves of oak and beech, still hang on.
New green leaves on barberry contrast with last years berries.
Moss shows bright between old thatch and new leaves.
The first buttercup leaves are up!
New red leaves poke through the thatch.
A WEEK LATER- How things have changed-
or why the Meadows are never boring!