Category Archives: Fabric Facts

French Toile Fabrics- A Look at Patterns

I was going through old images recently, and it was really amazing looking back at the last twenty years of toile fabrics that we have had. Virtually every company printed toiles. While some were based on the traditional French patterns, many companies developed their own patterns. I decided to dust off these patterns for people to enjoy!

But, first a bit of history! And the history of toile fabrics is a complex intertwining of  politics, science, and religion.



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Equestrian Fabrics, Horse Fabric

Over the years we have seen an amazing array of equestrian fabrics. The reason there are so many is, it is a huge genre. There are horse fabrics, horse toile fabrics, horse and hound fabrics, horse jockey fabrics, horse racing fabrics, and on and on! There are fabrics for Western Decor,  etc.

The first horse fabric I bought was on a buying trip. It was a P.Kaufmann fabric, which had been discontinued. I bought the few yards left and took it home. This showed a fall day, with the hunt riding across the fields, with a lazy river in the background. I don’t have an image of the whole piece anymore. But, a woman sent a picture of a pillow she made, that shows a bit of it.


Horse Hunt Fabric
Horse Hunt Fabric

Though I did not know it at the time,
this was the beginning of our awareness of equestrian fabrics! Continue reading Equestrian Fabrics, Horse Fabric